Common Field - A national network of independent visual arts organizations and organizers that connects, supports, and advocates for the artist-centered field.
W.A.G.E - Working Artists and the Greater Economy is a New York-based activist organization founded in 2008. Our mission is to establish sustainable economic relationships between artists and the institutions that contract our labor, and to introduce mechanisms for self-regulation into the art field that collectively bring about a more equitable distribution of its economy.
The Business of the Arts - Professional Development Series - The Business of the Arts Professional Development Series refers to workshops organized by The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (CAH) that aim to provide CAH grantees (past, present, and future) knowledge and skills that will increase capabilities for successful grant writing, networking, advancing cultural democracy, and improving operation sustainability. - Check here for performances, classes, lectures, festivals, free and family events from DC's Arts Presenters.
Springboard for the Arts - Springboard for the Arts’ mission is to cultivate vibrant communities by connecting artists with the skills, information, and services they need to make a living and a life.