Naoko Wowsugi Guided Artist Lecture
A combination of artist lecture and guided meditation, The Naoko Wowsugi Guided Artist Lecture was created by artist, Naoko Wowsugi, and Dirt Co-Founder & Editor, Georgie Payne, through a series of conversations held over the span of several weeks. Employing the form and structure of the artists’ own work, which is itself informed by meditation practices, the lecture invites listeners to engage with two of the artist’s recent participatory projects — Tea(r)ism (2017) and The Umami Taste Development Center (2018), through a deep state of focused relaxation.
Throughout the guided artist lecture, Wowsugi and the narrator provide a holistic understanding of the artist’s projects, while the participant is transported through a sample of the works themselves. Demonstrating her deep investment into embodied research, Wowsugi leads us through the formation and development of the formal elements of her work from a chance encounter with a traditional Native American sweat lodge ceremony, to the formation of personal mindfulness practice, and eventually, a full dedication to everyday Vipassana meditation and extended silent meditation retreats.
Often inspired by the absurdity of everyday life -- Wowsugi skillfully merges her lived experiences and inspirations into collective learning performances, often blurring the line between artist and participant. With each performance, the audience completes Wowsugi’s work with cooperation and participation, and as such through The Naoko Wowsugi Guided Artist Lecture - the listener must consent to the conditions required - only able to complete the work through their full participation.
With an open attitude and a quiet location, the listener is asked to sit in a comfortable posture, letting their daily life float away as the narrator softly directs their attention to their breath and their body.
Ready? Let’s begin….
Click play to start your audio journey.
Feel free to scroll through the images below, or close your eyes and let the sounds wash over you.
hello, and welcome to the Naoko wowsugi
guided artist lecture.
As Wowsugi transfers her practice onto you, allow your body to relax.
You don't need to do anything, except allow yourself to spend this time.
Take a moment to release yourself from your body.
Let go of your thoughts. let go of your day.
Let them wash away.
Take a deep breath in.
Take a deep breath out.
My name is Naoko Wowsugi,
I am a Korean-Japanese artist based in Washington DC.
( “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
I arrived in America in 2001
with the ability to speak only one English word…“yes.”
( “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
I studied at Kansas City Art Institute
as an exchange student from Osaka University of the Arts.
( “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
One night walking home at 3am,
I almost got hit by a Cadillac.
( “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
A grey dread hair driver, said something to me
…with my poor English, I thought he offered me a ride.
( Fading out “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
I got into the car and he drove me to the woods….
Without knowing there were Native American sweat lodge ceremony.
( Fading out “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
Through an intense rituals,
The Indian chief purified my soul at 4 am in Kansas City Missouri.
( Fading out “Breathe in 1, 2, 3... Breathe Out 1, 2, 3...” )
“Retrospectively, this experience embedded in me and my art practice.
To be open,
to be spontaneous,
to embrace anything”
Welcome to the Tea(r)ism.
Over the new few minutes I’ll guide you through the ceremony
You will experience the ultimate cleanse
In 2017, Wowsugi presented Tea(r)ism, a participatory performance for
the Aei Kai Culture Lab Convergence, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Curated by The Smithsonian Asian-Pacific-American Center, Tea(r)ism invited visitors to partake, in a ritualistic crying tea ceremony, sipping native Hawaiian detox tea called Momaaki, while listening to audio-guided meditation.
Throughout the performance, participants were encouraged to cry, and shed tears into their tea for the ultimate cleanse.
This project challenged the boundaries of participation, and pushed beyond comfort zones, creating a safe space for participants to release emotions, and share their vulnerabilities.
Find a comfortable position for you.
Allow your body to align in any way.
Let the events of your day float away from your mind.
You are in a safe space.
“Toeing the line between absurdity and authentic experience,”
As your breathe, you converge….
ocean to mountain
the moon to the sun
future & origin
you and others
Welcome to the Umami Taste Development Center
The Umami Taste Development Center
Presented in 2018, as part of the Siren Arts residency program, in Asbury Park, New Jersey, this participatory performance built upon elements of Wowsugi’s Tea(r)ism, offering a similar meditation style framework.
Set on the beach off of the board-walk, participants were invited to gather in a circle of meditation-cushions, to receive training on the flavors of umami, the fifth taste sensation, after sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.
While sampling 5 different umami broths sourced from the local ecology, including tomato, seaweed, mushroom, lobster and finally, a mixture of all, umami gurus, (local community members) guided the participants through an embodied learning experience.
The project stimulated participants taste buds, and epiphanic realizations, around local food-injustice, food-Insecurity, and environmental impact at large.
“… this is so absurd, they are evaluating such subtle and subjective things so seriously. ”
Thank you for joining me today, and for your participation.
Air connects everything, all people,
all beings and
all universes.
Keep practicing
your breathing.
Breathing is art.
Art is breathing,
the rest is fart.
You have now completed, the introductory guided meditation, on the practice of Naoko Wowsugi.
When you are ready to return to your body, you can reawaken and return to the present.
I'll count to five. With each number, you will become more alert, reaching full alertness when I reach the number 1.
Let’s begin.